Différentes approches dans la définition du handicap

Publié le par Cristina

Définition biomédicale, philantropique, sociologique, économique (en anglais) dans un guide de poche réalisé en 2000 par Disabled People South Africa: http://www.dpsa.org.za/documents/pocketguide.php/

<< - Biomedical definition
Disability is identified with illness or impairment in the biomedical approach, with most emphasis falling on 'curing' the disabled individual. If this fails, the person is removed from society.

- Philanthropic definition
Disability is regarded as a tragedy or object of sympathy and charity. People with disabilities are therefore pitied, given handouts and 'cared for' in separate institutions.
- Sociological definition
This approach defines disability as a form of human difference or deviation from the social norms of the acceptable levels of activity performance.

- Economic definition
Disability is defined as a social cost caused both by extra resources that children and adults with disabilities require and by their limited productivity at work, relative to able-bodied people.>>

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